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Latest AARP research attaches $18.43 value to the estimated 390 million hours of unpaid care that family caregivers provided in 2021
The unpaid care provided by the 420,000 caregivers in Connecticut is valued at $7.2 billion annually, according to new state data available in AARP’s latest report in the Valuing the Invaluable series. This is a $1.27 billion increase in unpaid contributions since the last report was released in 2019. The report highlights the growing scope and complexity of family caregiving and highlights actions needed to address the many challenges of caring for parents, spouses, and other loved ones.
“Family caregivers play a vital role in Connecticut’s health care system, whether they care for someone at home, coordinate home health care, or help provide needed additional care for someone who lives in a nursing home,” said Nora Duncan, AARP Connecticut State Director. “We want to make sure all family caregivers have the financial, emotional, and social support they need, because the care they provide is invaluable both to those receiving it and to their community. This care truly is the backbone of our health care system.”
AARP Connecticut advocates for laws and provides support to help family caregivers and the loved ones who depend on them for care. For example, Connecticut’s Paid Family and Medical Leave Act prevents workers from having to choose between their loved ones and their paychecks. Eligible employees can take up to 12 weeks of paid time off a year to tend to a personal illness, a loved one’s illness, a new baby, and more.
Visit to read the full report for national and state-by-state data on the economic value of unpaid care by family and friends. Resources and information on family caregiving are available at