AARP Eye Center
Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont acknowledged the invaluable and incredibly important work of family caregivers recently by proclaiming that November 2024 is “Family Caregivers Month” in Connecticut.

According to AARP’s 2023 Valuing the Invaluable report, the unpaid care provided by the 420,000 caregivers in Connecticut is valued at $7.2 billion annually. This is a $1.27 billion increase in unpaid contributions since the last report was released in 2019. November is annually recognized as National Family Caregivers Month and a time to underscore the challenges faced by the more than 48 million family caregivers across the country.
“Family caregivers play a vital, and too often underappreciated, role in Connecticut’s health care system,” said Nora Duncan, AARP Connecticut State Director. “Family caregivers make tremendous physical, emotional, and financial sacrifices and need our support, because the care they provide is invaluable both to those receiving it and to their community.”
AARP Connecticut thanks Governor Ned Lamont for acknowledging the family caregivers across Connecticut by proclaiming November as Family Caregivers Month in Connecticut. For Caregiving Resources, visit
Raise Your Hand to Support Connecticut Caregivers
You know the tremendous time and expense it takes to care for an older loved one, but do our leaders? And we know you need support. But we need your help. We’re asking caregivers, and people who support caregivers, across the country to raise their hands and show lawmakers that they can’t ignore the needs of so many Americans. Add your name and join the fight for family caregivers here!