AARP Eye Center
The Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) and the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) have concluded that the Millstone Nuclear Power plant will be profitable through the year 2035, (Docket # 17-07-32).
Dominion Energy, owner and operator of the Millstone Nuclear Power Plant in Waterford, is asking the state for a special deal that would cause you to pay more for electricity and result in bigger profits for Dominion. Dominion has refused full disclose of their finances. Based on the regulators draft report of their investigation into the fiscal health of Millstone, they have concluded it is profitable until at least 2035.
PURA and DEEP are now seeking public comment to consider if Millstone should get special treatment. Please tell regulators it is up to Millstone to provide a full disclosure of their financial need if they contradict the report's findings.
Send regulators a public email now and tell them to Say NO to a Special Deal for Millstone Power or other generators without a full disclosure of financial need!
Connecticut residents already pay among the highest electricity rates in the United States. That’s why AARP Connecticut is fighting for families to keep their hard earned money. We need your help to ensure regulators reject any special treatment for Millstone or other generators unless they fully open up their books to make sure any deal does not just subsidize profits on the backs of Connecticut ratepayers.
Contact PURA and DEEP Commissioners now and tell them to say no to special treatment to the profitable Millstone power plant!