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AARP Connecticut submitted the below comments to the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) as well as Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) regarding the Millstone subsidization.
Today, AARP announced the awardees for its 2018 AARP Community Challenge grant program, including three recipients in Connecticut. A total of $1.3 million will be distributed to fund 129 “quick action” projects across the country, helping communities make immediate improvements and jumpstart long-term progress to support residents of all ages. Nearly 1,600 applications were received from non-profits and government entities for the program, now in its second year. Each of the projects, which must be completed by November 5, is designed to achieve on one or more of the following outcomes:
AARP has built upon its long and successful history of voter engagement with the multifaceted campaign “Be the Difference. Vote” that is designed to maximize the influence of America’s voters, with a focus on the 50-plus, in the 2018 elections. AARP Connecticut State Director Nora Duncan urges all registered voters in the state to review candidates’ positions on issues important to them and cast ballots.
Advocacy, local lifestyle offerings, adult learning and community service are several of the outreach efforts needed to successfully enhance the quality of life for all as they age.
• AARP Connecticut will donate $3000 on behalf of the Andrus Award recipient to an eligible non-profit organization of their choosing
AARP Fraud Watch Network, People’s United Bank, N.A. & the United States Postal Inspection Service (USPIS) are joining forces this month to offer free events across the state to help Connecticut residents fight fraud as part of the second annual “Operation: Stop Scams” initiative. Join the AARP Connecticut volunteer team and representatives from People’s United Bank and USPIS at one of the two-hour sessions packed with information! Our team of experts are ready to help you FIGHT FRAUD!
AARP Connecticut is seeking an Associate State Director, Advocacy and Community Outreach located at the state office in Hartford, CT.
The 2018 AARP Community Challenge is now accepting applications through May 16, 2018 to fund “quick-action” projects in communities across the country. Grants can range from several hundred dollars for small, short-term activities to several thousand for larger projects. The program is now in its second year and is part of AARP’s nationwide work on Livable Communities, helping neighborhoods, towns and cities to become great places for all ages.
AARP Connecticut provided members of Connecticut’s Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) with comments about the proposed settlement to Eversource Energy’s request to implement a significant rate increase that would raise the cost of energy for Connecticut ratepayers (Docket No. 17-10-46).
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