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It Takes a State of Volunteers to Make a Difference

When AARP makes a difference in the community, the result can be credited to the passion and dedication of our volunteers. Volunteer service is a unique and valuable contribution that benefits both the volunteer and society.

AARP Connecticut has more than 130 volunteers in 61 different towns from all areas of the state. However, we are always looking for additional residents interested in sharing their skills, knowledge and life experiences to make a difference in their community.

CT State map - volunteers

Our volunteers work towards turning goals and dreams into real possibilities, strengthening communities and fighting for the issues that matter most to families such as healthcare, livable communities, caregiving, employment security and financial resiliency.

AARP Connecticut recognized the commitment of our volunteers with a daily video post on AARP CT’s Facebook and Twitter pages as part of National Volunteer Week from April 23-29. We also wanted to take this opportunity to share a few nuggets about the group and a map marking the towns they represent in blue. You can also watch the videos from last week here.

Who are our volunteers?
• Age and retirement are not criteria for being a volunteer. Volunteering is about sharing life experiences, skills and passions in the community, which can come at any age. That’s why our volunteers range from 49 to 85 years young. We even have a volunteer with the last name Young.
• Volunteering is a passion, as well as a hobby, for many. What activities do they enjoy other than volunteering? It ranges from the wild, like skydiving and competitive poker playing, to some who travel around the world to places such as Egypt, Costa Rica, Mexico and locations across the United States. Other volunteers love to read, garden, make jewelry, ski, cheer on their favorite sports teams, collect hats, golf and jump at the chance to learn something new.
• The volunteer roster consists of last names that begin with 21 of the 26 letters of the alphabet. Anyone with a last name that starts with a Q, U, V, X or Z. Call us.
• AARP Connecticut volunteers have diverse experiences, knowledge and interests that extends to a variety of careers, including a military veteran, nurse, lawyer, teacher, nanny, sales agent, those who worked full-time at home, social worker, railroader, media industry executive, author, banker, engineer, human resources representative and law enforcement agent.
• Eight of the last names are on the list of the top most common surnames in the United States, but we don’t have a Smith or Johnson, the top two, respectively.
• The group includes those who are married, single, widowed and some who are looking for love!

AARP volunteers are a necessary and vital force in achieving our mission and goals. We are making a difference in the communities, but we can’t do it without you!

Get Involved
If you’re looking for a way to share your experiences, AARP can help. For more information call AARP Connecticut toll free at 1-866-295-7279, or email

AARP Connecticut Volunteers in Their Own Words:

About AARP Connecticut
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