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AARP AARP States Connecticut Volunteering

You Can Make a Difference in Connecticut! Give Back to the Community with AARP!

We need you

Are you looking for ways to get involved in your community? The AARP Connecticut volunteer team has opportunities for everyone. Whether you like to volunteer with others or work more independently, we would love to have you on our team! With AARP, you can volunteer at your own pace, on the projects you are most passionate about. Volunteering with AARP is a way to make a positive impact in Connecticut communities and, like many of our current volunteers, make lifelong friends along the way.

Through advocacy and service, AARP volunteers can share their wisdom; benefit from training and education; enjoy stimulating challenges; meet new people; and know that they are truly making a difference. Discover all of the volunteering opportunities at and learn more about how you can be a volunteer in Connecticut by contacting Marlisa Smith at or 860-548-3171.

Hear four AARP Connecticut volunteers discuss their experiences and what volunteering means to them:

Give Back While Learning
“I’ve been involved in several initiatives in advocacy and community engagement. My goal is to give back to the community and AARP allows me to fulfill that goal because I contribute to the welfare of others. But at the same time, I’ve learned so much myself that I did not know.” – Malinda P.

Work on Issues that Matter
“Volunteering is the backbone of this country. Whether it's a volunteer fireman, disaster response, at a church or for an organization like AARP. Advocating for issues that matter to people, save them money, and keep them independent is a great place to put your efforts.” – Tim R.

Open World of Opportunities
“I first volunteered to help specifically in the Latino community. The next thing I know, I’m involved in a variety of areas like the Fraud Watch Network, state and local advocacy issues, livability, and it just goes on and on. They all are truly issues that I know have impacted our community.” – Marilyn D.

What is a Tech Team?
“I'm a volunteer on the tech team. What is a tech team? With the pandemic we had to find a new way of connecting with people throughout the state and the country. I've been able to work on numerous important topics, partnering with experts throughout the state, and in fact, around the world.” – Barb M.

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Read more from AARP Connecticut volunteers and discover additional information about volunteering with AARP in Connecticut in a story from the June issue of the AARP Bulletin that is also published on our website.

About AARP Connecticut
Contact information and more from your state office. Learn what we are doing to champion social change and help you live your best life.