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The AARP Bulletin

The 2020 census shows Delaware has 989,948 residents—a more than 10 percent increase since 2010.
Games, and a little friendly competition, are a great way to relieve stress and connect with others—and you don’t need to meet in person to enjoy them.
Delaware is experiencing a shortage of primary care physicians, hindering access to care for a population that is one of the oldest in the nation.
AARP Delaware is pushing for changes to state law that would add price gouging during a national emergency and consumer fraud on social media to the definition of “unfair business practices.”
AARP Delaware is working to help First Staters cast ballots more easily.
AARP Delaware has remained hard at work on behalf of older adults in the First State, advocating for family caregivers, fighting fraud and holding events like virtual movie nights.
The overwhelming majority of Americans want to stay in their own homes as they age, but many need public transportation to stay mobile after their driving years are over.
Looking for a virtual yoga class or a tutorial on avoiding consumer scams? AARP Delaware has a YouTube channel offering access to a variety of video programming. Enjoy quality content while keeping a safe, virtual distance from others.
Nearly 8,000 fraud cases against Delawareans were reported to the Federal Trade Commission in 2019, totaling $5.7 million in losses. Delaware ranked third in the nation in per capita fraud in 2019 and seventh per capita in identity theft.
Nearly half of private-sector workers in Delaware don’t have access to a savings plan at work, making it harder to prepare for retirement.
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