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AARP AARP States Money

Fight Against Utility Rate Increases Continues!

Fresno CPUC Hearing

AARP California has been working to educate and engage the public in opposition to PG&E's request for a $5.33 billion rate increase. Over the past two months, 43 AARP activists joined us at California Public Utility Commission (CPUC) public participation hearings in San Bruno, San Francisco, Fresno, and Oakland to testify about the impacts the rate increase would have on their families and communities. Over 1,400 AARP activists have also emailed the CPUC to say NO to higher utility rates.

In San Bruno, AARP members John and Dorothy Sorensen spoke about retired seniors on modest incomes who will be unable to afford this rate increase. In Fresno, Billie Taylor of Modesto spoke about the difficulty of affording utility rate increases given the small Social Security cost-of-living adjustments in recent years. She also spoke movingly of her past experience as a mother of young children with a husband in the military. Her family was scraping by financially and barely able to avoid having the power turned off.

In Oakland, 14 activists showed up to speak at the public hearing. Long-time AARP volunteer leader Nuru Neemuchwalla testified that seniors can't afford PG&E's proposed rate increase. He urged the CPUC to be a watchdog for consumers and hold PG&E accountable. In San Francisco, AARP Associate State Director Celina Echazarreta stated our opposition to the proposed rate increase and noted that the volunteers and community members in attendance were giving their time because of the importance to their families.

There is still time to raise your voice on this critical issue! If you're in San Luis Obispo,   attend the final hearing tonight, June 25th, at the  City/County Library, located at 995 Palm Street, at 7:00 p.m. If you're unable to attend, here are other ways you can join the fight:


Visit today to tell the CPUC that  enough is enough. Be the voice of your family and your community by speaking out against higher electric rates!

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