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AARP Florida

AARP Florida is making a difference where you live.
Voters 50+ are the driving force behind every election. They’re not just voting; they’re grappling with the everyday challenges that come with caring for parents, siblings and other loved ones, and protecting their hard-earned Social Security. AARP Florida is here to ensure you have all the information needed to cast your ballot this election season.
Millions of Florida residents find electric utility issues hard to follow. Regulated by a far-away, low-profile state agency, largely the domain of expensive utilities lawyers, powerful corporations and influential special interest experts, electric utility regulations are often unfair and unfamiliar for customers.
Home prices and rentals have become increasingly unaffordable in Florida. This white paper explores the benefits of allowing alternative housing options, such as Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), for homeowners and communities.
La mayoría de los floridanos dieron un suspiro de alivio cuando la trayectoria proyectada del huracán Dorian se alejó de un golpe directo en la península, pero quedaba un gran riesgo: la marejada ciclónica.
Elder-Care facility residents and staff represent 2 percent of state’s population and more than half of all Coronavirus deaths.
Keeping the balance between being informed and being overwhelmed takes work.
As Florida heads into the 2020 hurricane season June 1, Sunshine State residents are facing a new level of uncertainty: Never in modern history have Floridians had to consider how to plan for the disruption and danger of a hurricane while also juggling concerns about a pandemic.
Florida is no stranger to hurricane and scam artists. Natural disasters often bring an influx of con artists ready to take advantage of suffering and confusion.
Communities often come together after disasters to help each other, not only with the physical tasks, but also for emotional support.
As Florida heads into the 2020 hurricane season June 1, Sunshine State residents age 50-plus are facing a new level of uncertainty: Never in modern history have older Floridians had to consider how to plan for the disruption and danger of a hurricane while also juggling concerns about a pandemic.
By overwhelming margins, hundreds of AARP Florida E-Activists agree that state government should focus resources on helping to keep the coronavirus pandemic from infecting residents and staff of elder-care facilities, such as nursing homes, assisted living facilities and group homes.
As Florida heads into the 2020 hurricane season June 1, Sunshine State residents are facing a new level of uncertainty: Never in modern history have Floridians had to consider how to plan for the disruption and danger of a hurricane while also juggling concerns about a pandemic.
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