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Health & Wellbeing

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Bipartisan Bill Will Help States and Communities React to Novel Virus
With 2020 Census Pending, Findings Show Many May Not Recognize Expected Census Scams
Check out this post from the FTC to learn tips that might keep the fraudsters at bay
AARP was encouraged to hear the President emphasize the need for Congress to take action on our nation’s skyrocketing prescription drug prices.
AARP Georgia State Director, Debra Tyler-Horton, released the following statement today, applauding Reps. Sanford Bishop, Hank Johnson, John Lewis, Lucy McBath, and David Scott, of the U.S. House of Representatives for voting to pass H.R. 3, the Elijah E. Cummings Lower Drug Costs Now Act.
Friday, Dec. 13th at Gwinnett Tech
The guide is free; just download it from the web!
With flu season among us, we need our immune systems to be stronger than ever! Here are some foods that will help boost your immune system.
New AARP Report Looks at Key Issues and Emerging Trends in Family Caregiving
WASHINGTON—Retail prices for 267 brand-name drugs commonly used by older adults surged by an average of 5.8% in 2018, more than twice the general inflation rate of 2.4%, according to new AARP Public Policy Institute (PPI) data released today. The annual average cost of therapy for one brand-name drug ballooned to more than $7,200 in 2018, up from nearly $1,900 in 2006.
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