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Guest column: Kinky Boots - a Broadway matinee in Las Vegas

This month, the Tony Award-winning musical Kinky Boots kicked off its national tour in Las Vegas at The Smith Center for the Performing Arts!  AARP Nevada was pleased to be able to bring a special offer to our members of discounted tickets to a specially-added Wednesday matinee of this acclaimed production.  AARP Nevada ambassador Janice Alpern, a longtime volunteer and arts fan who also leads the Cinemaniacs movie club, pens today's guest blog with her reflections on the show, and the milestone of having a national tour in Las Vegas.  Many thanks to The Smith Center for sharing this unique opportunity with Nevada members!


Kinky Boots brings a Wednesday Broadway matinee to Las Vegas

by Janice Alpern, AARP Nevada ambassador



Believe it or not, it’s Wednesday, the usual day for a Broadway matinee, and we had one this afternoon at The Smith Center for the Performing Arts, the first stop on the national tour of Kinky Boots.

And what a fantastic production it is - from the amazing lead actors, the ensemble cast, the fabulous music, the sets and costumes - it is something special not to be missed.  It will have you dancing in your seats.

For me, Kyle Taylor Parker as Lola/Simon stole the show!  He was a member of the original Broadway cast and I would venture to say he learned his lessons well.  Steven Booth played Charlie, who inherited his father’s failing shoe factory.  Together they made things happen in a good way, but you need to see the show to know what I’m talking about.  Our local critic gave the show a B+.  I give it an A!!!

Kudos to The Smith Center for taking a chance on a Wednesday matinee - and for the coup of starting a prestigious national tour right here in Las Vegas.  I hope we can look forward to more of them.

Kinky Boots

Kinky Boots national tour - The Smith Center for the Performing Arts

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