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Have Questions about Medicare Open Enrollment? This is where AARP can help.

Medicare that Fits Your Life: A Guide to Open Enrollment
October 3, 2024 AT 7:00 PM ET / 7:00 PM PT

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It’s the time of year to think about your Medicare choices and consider if they’re working for you. Medicare Open Enrollment starts October 15. This is your once-a-year opportunity to revisit your plan and make changes based on your finances, health and lifestyle. AARP can help.

This webinar contains advice from foremost leaders in Medicare education, including Dr. Meena Seshamani, Director of the Center for Medicare at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. It covers topics like:

· What kinds of changes you can make during Open Enrollment
· Why Medicare isn’t “set it and forget it”
· Where you can find unbiased information about Medicare
· How upcoming changes to Medicare may affect you
· Which programs can help if you’re having trouble affording Medicare’s out-of-pocket costs

We’ll also hear from our partners at the Medicare Rights Center and show you how they can answer your specific questions through AARP’s Your Questions Answered tool.

Share this webinar with your friends and family, to help them make smart Medicare decisions, too!

Sign up for this free event today. »

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