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Help family caregivers on your team with a free workshop

Caregiving - Hands
Boffeli, Seth

More than 500,000 Nevadans are family caregivers.  So if you're a business owner or manager, chances are you have some on your team. They care for an older parent, spouse or other loved one – helping them with transportation, errands and medical tasks to help them live independently at home. This can mean extra stress, time away from work, and impacts to their own health.

AARP Nevada offers a free 20 to 30 minute workshop that can help the family caregivers on your team access resources and support services to lighten their load. Called "The ABCs of Caregiving: Navigating Caregiving Resources," this brief program provides a window into the array of services available in Nevada to assist family caregivers with a variety of issues, as well as contact information and practical advice.  The workshop is offered free of charge, direct to your workplace.

For information and to schedule, contact Barry Gold at 702-938-3236 or by email at

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