AARP Eye Center

AARP applauds the Illinois House of Representatives for passing a budget that more adequately addresses the needs of the senior population in our state. The budget recognizes the value and cost-effectiveness of home and community-based senior services while also addressing a backlog of unpaid bills that have been crippling senior service organizations. For the first time in a decade, the state’s Community Care Program – a program that enables seniors to stay in their own homes and live independently as they age - was looked at realistically and we saw an appropriation that more adequately reflects the true cost of services, without allowing a long list of prior year bills to compound behind the scenes. The budget means that approximately 10,000 more Illinois seniors will have access to the Community Care Program. It also means additional funding for critical programs such as the Elder Abuse and Neglect Program, the Adult Protective Services Program and home delivered meals. AARP urges the Illinois Senate to follow the House and pass this budget.
This is a post from AARP Illinois intern, Debbie Liu.