AARP Eye Center

Brain fitness and fraud are among the top concerns of Utahns age 50-plus. For more than 10 years, AARP Utah has sponsored Staying Sharp sessions across the state to present information on both topics to audiences ranging from 30 to 1,000. Now the state office is offering a free DVD for members who want to watch the presentations at home.
The DVD includes two sessions videotaped in 2014: “Brain Fitness 101,” with Kevin Duff, a neuropsychologist at the University of Utah Brain Institute, and “Avoiding Fraud 101,” with Keith Woodwell, director of the Utah Division of Securities. Also included are segments called “The Con Artist’s Secrets” and “Weapons of Fraud,” produced by the AARP Fraud Watch Network.
To request a copy of the DVD, email and include your postal address in the message.