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AARP Illinois

All the news that matters for Illinoisans over 50
On behalf of our 1.7 million members, AARP Illinois commends the Illinois Commerce Commission’s decision to reject Peoples Gas’ System Modernization Program (SMP) proposal.
The following statement was issued by AARP Illinois State Director Philippe Largent following the introduction of the FY25 Budget:
AARP Illinois and Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias are working hard to pass legislation that would raise the driving mandatory age to 87 (from the current 79) at which older drivers would be required to take a driving test before renewing their license.
Turn a lifetime of experience into the experience of a lifetime! Become and AARP IL volunteer and make a difference in your community.
We love the summer months here in Illinois, but those same high summer temperatures we look forward to can cause heat-related illnesses for many Illinoisans. Summer is a time for peak electricity usage from air conditioners, which can mean high electricity bills and a greater risk of blackouts.
A new law passed with support from AARP Illinois will ensure older LGBTQ residents get the care and respect they deserve.
Four Million Americans, Including 200K Illinoisans Signed AARP Petition Calling on Congress to Act
Chicago–AARP Illinois, the state’s largest outreach and advocacy organization dedicated to improving lives of those 50+ is proud to announce the appointment of Alan Hollenbeck as Illinois’ State President. This position is the top volunteer role in Illinois.
AARP Illinois commends Governor Pritzker for new law inspired by report organization commissioned with SAGE last year
AARP Illinois is here for you. Here in your neighborhood.
AARP is encouraging Illinois voters to make their voices heard by casting their ballots in the Tuesday, June 28, primaries.
2021 Illinois Report and Voting Record on Legislative Issues
A list of laws passed that will improve lives for older adults across the state -- and won
At the close of the 2022 Spring Legislative Session, AARP Illinois commends the General Assembly for passing several measures that will significantly enhance the lives of older adults and their loved ones across the state.
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Contact information and more from your state office. Learn what we are doing to champion social change and help you live your best life.