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AARP Illinois

All the news that matters for Illinoisans over 50
On behalf of our 1.7 million members, AARP Illinois commends the Illinois Commerce Commission’s decision to reject Peoples Gas’ System Modernization Program (SMP) proposal.
The following statement was issued by AARP Illinois State Director Philippe Largent following the introduction of the FY25 Budget:
AARP Illinois and Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias are working hard to pass legislation that would raise the driving mandatory age to 87 (from the current 79) at which older drivers would be required to take a driving test before renewing their license.
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With the 2017 legislative session under way, AARP Illinois is urging lawmakers to pass a fully functional budget that helps older residents continue to live independently in their own homes. Among other issues, the state office is fighting for affordable utility rates and supportive services for family caregivers.
AARP fights for the issues that matter most!
Chicago, IL. – With Americans losing tens of billions of dollars annually to investment fraud schemes, what mindsets and behaviors are common among those who fall victim? A new survey by the AARP Fraud Watch Network finds that the most susceptible typically exhibit an unusually high degree of confidence in unregulated investments and tend to trade more actively than the general investor population. More of the investment scam victims also reported that they value wealth accumulation as a significant measure of success in life and acknowledged being open to unsolicited telephone and email sales pitches.
Illinois State Director Bob Gallo spoke with Illinois News Network providing insight into the proposed new tax on retirement income.
AARP Illinois State Director, Bob Gallo, was a guest on Illinois News Connection speaking about the concerns that AARP has around ideas like Medicare vouchers.
In our quest to understand and improve brain health, the old adage remains true: What’s good for the heart is good for the brain.
Honor the Deal
CHICAGO — AARP today launched a comprehensive campaign to protect Medicare in the face of proposals by some in Congress that would hurt hardworking Illinoisans who have paid into the program their entire working lives.
CHICAGO– Beginning today through April 18, AARP Foundation is providing free tax assistance and preparation through its Tax-Aide program. AARP Foundation Tax-Aide, in its 49th year, is the nation’s largest free tax assistance and preparation service, offering free tax preparation help to anyone, especially those who are 50 and older, who cannot afford a tax preparation service.
For too long Illinois has been without a comprehensive, balanced budget that helps make life better for residents of all ages.
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