AARP Illinois was a proud supporter of the Better Government Association (BGA) 2016 Springfield Luncheon entitled Election 2016: Candidates, Chaos, and Consequences.
Hempstead, NY — “Americans who are working hard and paying into Social Security were the real losers at tonight’s debate,” AARP Senior Vice President, Campaigns, John Hishta said.
You can't be our leader if you don't lead. Our next president needs to take action on Social Security, or future generations could lose up to $10,000 a year.
Tuesday, September 13th, AARP Chicago held a standing room only Fall Volunteer Recruitment Session at the Chicago Public Library’s Martin Luther King Branch located at 3436 South King Drive.
For the past 12 years AARP has diverted from its routine business to conduct a service project in various communities across the United States as a way of demonstrating their support and concern for Americans touched by the tragedy that occurred on September 11, 2001. What began as an immediate reaction to a horrific event in one community has become an annual tribute to all American communities. Nationally, AARP now designates September 11 th as its NATIONAL DAY OF SERVICE and on this day AARP volunteers and staff across the country perform some type of service for the benefit of their community members. In the past, AARP Virgin Islands has conducted events which have focused on organizing food drives, serving food to the homeless, or collecting essential supplies for a local school
AARP Illinois was proud to contribute to a Fox Illinois news story on Gov. Bruce Rauner recent passage of a law that would help Illinois Caregivers. AARP supports this piece of legislation which provides much needed assistance to families across the state.
The Social Security and Women Summit luncheon was held yesterday at Chicago's Union League Club. It was a joint venture between AARP and the National Committee designed to bring awareness to the importance of safeguarding Social security's future by finding commonsense, non-partisan solutions to update the program.