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On October 2, 2018 , join AARP Chicago for a Town Hall meeting throughout Chicagoland to share your story on how the fiscal crisis is impacting your community.
By Kelly Ganski
On behalf of its 1.6 million members, AARP Illinois commends Governor Bruce Rauner for signing House Bill 5752, which establishes a broadband advisory council to explore ways to expand and increase broadband throughout Illinois, into law. AARP Illinois also commends House sponsor Representative Natalie Phelps Finnie and Senate sponsor Senator Linda Holmes for their hard work passing this bi-partisan legislation through the Illinois General Assembly.
Join AARP Illinois to advocate for what is important to our members and community members. We’re seeking volunteers to lead the charge in your house district.
More than 120 AARP members, volunteers and guests gathered today in Peoria to hear from their elected officials about the state’s fiscal crisis, economic security, caregiving and other issues important to Illinoisans 50-plus. State Senators Chuck Weaver (Senate District 37) and David Koehler (Senate District 46), State Representative Mike Unes (House District 91), and Peoria Mayor Jim Ardis participated in the legislative breakfast moderated by Brad McMillan, J.D., executive director of the Institute for Principled Leadership in Public Service, and co-hosted by the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI).
With only hours left in the 2018 regular legislative session, Illinois legislators passed a balanced budget to the Governor for the first time in years. AARP Illinois issued the following statement today applauding the Illinois General Assembly for responsibly working together in a bi-partisan collaborative manner to pass a balanced budget.
Chicago, IL. – Illinois consumers, businesses, cities and state taxpayers all could score a big win in the 2018 Illinois legislative session if state Senate leaders allow a vote on legislation to rein in unpredictable, skyrocketing prices in generic and off-patent medications, according to AARP Illinois and the former mayor of a northern Illinois city recently featured on “60 Minutes.”
Springfield, Ill. – As key legislation to stop generic prescription-drug price-gouging appears stalled in the state Senate, pressure is growing on Senate leaders to allow a fast up-or-down vote on the bill.
Good morning. I am Ryan Gruenenfelder, Director of Advocacy & Outreach for AARP Illinois. I want to share my own personal story as an example why this legislation is needed. In 1977, when I was 2 years old, I was given a peanut butter cookie when it was unbeknownst to anyone I was allergic to peanuts. I went into anaphylactic shock and became unable to breathe. Fortunately, my caregiver was able to rush me to the hospital in Sparta, Illinois quickly enough for those in the ER to save my life. From that point forward throughout my childhood, my parents constantly had epi-pens in their cars and in the house in case it became necessary to try to save my life once again. I cannot imagine the pain and fear my parents felt that day, and I feel fortunate they were able to have access to the life-saving drug I needed to protect me. That same drug recently saw a 508% increase in price according to a GAO study. Today’s children may not be as fortunate as I was in the 1970s.
Springfield, Ill. – AARP Illinois issued the following statement Wednesday calling for an up-or-down vote soon in the Illinois Senate on HB 4900, which could push Illinois to the forefront of national efforts to rein in surprise price gouging that can lead to massive increases in the cost of specific prescription drugs.
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