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Jordan McNerney

Pandemic has left a staggering 1.2 million New York households more than $1.7 billion behind on utility bills
ALBANY— Beth Finkel, directora estatal de AARP New York, hizo las siguientes declaraciones en relación con el acuerdo presupuestario del estado de Nueva York para el año fiscal 2022:
ALBANY—AARP New York State Director Beth Finkel offered the following comments on New York State’s FY2022 budget agreement:
Applications are currently being accepted through Wednesday, April 17, 2019, 11:59 p.m. ET
2-for-1 Tickets While Connecting with AARP
Burt Freeman of Manhattan was presented Monday with AARP’s most prestigious volunteer award for community service. Freeman, who founded the My Own Book program, has been selected by AARP New York, the nonprofit organization for people 50 and older, to receive its 2018 Andrus Award for Community Service.
State tax credit, investments in aging programs needed to ease the burden on middle class, keep older loved ones out of costly institutions
Community Members, Leaders Present Recommendations to WNY Elected Officials at AARP Summit to #DisruptDisparities in Health, Economic Security and Livability
Today marks the first day of National Family Caregivers Month, and we're highlighting two New Yorkers who share their stories about caregiving and New York's Paid Family Leave program.
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