Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) are residential living units on the same lot as a single-family or primary dwelling. AARP Iowa is working to expand access to this housing option by championing a statewide ADU law that would give all Iowans the right to build an ADU on their property, reducing unnecessary regulations and red tape.
AARP Iowa works with community members and decision-makers to inform and enact positive change on the issues that affect all of us as we age. This includes health and independence, financial security and making our communities more livable for all Iowans.
Hello! My name is Ellen Converse and I am one of the two communications interns in the Iowa AARP office this summer. We just finished week two on the job and wow, have we learned a lot.
WASHINGTON, DC—With baby boomers beginning to turn 80 in 2026, states must accelerate the pace of improving long-term services and supports (LTSS) for older people and adults with disabilities, according to AARP’s new state scorecard released today. The report, Picking Up The Pace of Change: A State Scorecard on Long-Term Services and Supports for Older Adults, People with Physical Disabilities, and Family Caregivers (“Scorecard”), shows that although most states have made some progress, the pace of change overall remains too slow and has not kept up with demographic demands.
Between June 1-29, AARP is hosting Medicare Health Care and You! meetings to learn about some of the challenges facing health care reform and get information about different proposals being discussed in Washington. The sessions are also an opportunity for Iowans to voice their concerns about the future of health care and Medicare, and learn how to get involved in advocacy efforts to strengthen health care coverage for older Iowans. The events are all free and open to AARP members and the general public and include lunch and refreshments.
Des Moines Performing Arts is offering discount tickets for AARP members at selected theater and music performances in the Willis Broadway Series and at the Temple for the Performing Arts. The shows include The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, which runs May 16-21.
Iowans of all ages are invited to join AARP Iowa, Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller and members of the Iowa Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division for a live, statewide teletown hall on impostor scams at 10 am, Tuesday, April 25, during Money Smart Week Iowa.
Every day, millions of Americans lose their hard-earned money to identity theft and other types of scams. Last year alone, 13.1 million Americans were victims of identity theft. That’s one person victimized every two seconds! Protecting your personal information can help reduce your risk of identity theft.