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AARP AARP States Health & Wellbeing

Jacksonville Voters: Help Support Family Caregivers


Jacksonville voters overwhelmingly agree on the need for services that help family caregivers keep older loved ones in their homes, according to a recent AARP survey.

Even in an era of deep political divisions, 98 percent of Jacksonville voters 45 and older say better support for services such as home health aides, Meals on Wheels and visiting nurses is extremely, very or somewhat important.

Yet there are more than 55,000 people statewide on waiting lists to receive home- and community-​based services.

Gov. Rick Scott (R) has proposed a $2.7 million net increase for Community Care for the Elderly (CCE), one of several Florida home- and community-based service programs for older and disabled people. That would help about 400 additional Floridians.

Lawmakers won’t finalize the budget until the 2015 session ends next month.

AARP Florida advocates are asking state leaders to make significant progress in shrinking the waiting list for services this year.

“We’re helping lawmakers understand the importance of adequate CCE funding,” said Jeff Johnson, AARP state director. “AARP members can be tremendously helpful by contacting their representatives and making their voices heard.” — David Montgomery

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