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Join the AARP Massachusetts Advocacy Volunteer Team

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Happy New Year and welcome to 2016! At AARP Massachusetts there is much to do as we advocate for caregiver supports and financial security for those 50 and older.

The year started with our leaders offering a vision of what is to come in the year.  On Jan. 12, President Obama gave the State of the Union address, outlining his priorities for his final year in office; City of Boston Mayor Marty Walsh addressed the city in his  State of City speech on Jan. 19; and Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker gave his State of the State on Jan. 21 The common thread among these speeches was the need to for all age 50+  to realize a future with health and financial security. AARP Massachusetts will continue to urge elected officials and policy makers to make improvements for all people as they age.

The Massachusetts Legislature has yet to take action on many bills, including the CARE Act - OnePager - MA Sept Update for SM and several other caregiving priorities.  The bulk of the work must be completed by July 3 1, so there is no time to spare.

To be successful, we'll need your help!

AARP Massachusetts volunteers are taking part in a state advocacy briefing. They'll receive the latest updates on the status of bills and policies, as well as information about what needs to happen to move these bills into become laws.

We need your help to get these priorities over the finish line in 2016.  Wondering what you can do? We'll help prepare you to make a phone call, send an email, write a letter, or attend a lobby day.

If you'd like to be part of the advocacy volunteer team, please email us and we'll get right back to you!


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