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AARP AARP States Events

Lebanon history buffs lead free mansion tour

03.31.15 GlendowerMansion

Invite a friend and meet us in Lebanon for a free and exclusive tour of the historic Glendower Mansion.

Glendower Mansion, which overlooks downtown Lebanon, was erected in 1845 and given the name Glendower by its original owner, John Milton Williams, to honor the Welsh prince and hero Owen Glendower.

A premium example of residential Greek Revival architecture found in Ohio, its exterior features include Ionic and Doric columns, classic carved cornices and porticoes and a hipped roof with a captain’s walk. The stately interior provides a natural setting for many elegant Empire and Victorian furnishings from Warren County’s past.

Every autumn the acres of trees and gardens surrounding the mansion are the scene for an annual Civil War Encampment. In 1940, Glendower became the first home of the Warren County Historical Society, which is now located in Harmon Hall, a block and a half from Glendower.

Following your tour, we will gather at the Warren County Historical Society located next door for light refreshments and discussion of this local landmark. You’ll have an opportunity to make new friends, meet fellow members and speak with guides about local history.

The tour begins at 1 pm. Thursday, May 14, at Glendower Mansion, 105 S. Broadway, Lebanon, Ohio 45036.

Please RSVP by May 12 by calling toll-free 1-877-926-8300 or by clicking on Glendower Historic Mansion to register online.

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