AARP Eye Center
If you live in the St. Louis region, get ready to watch two professional baseball teams PLAY BALL! What’s special is that you can get a 30 percent discount off each Field Box ticket!

AARP in St. Louis invites you, your family and friends to come on out to the Gateway Grizzlies ballgame on July 11! The Grizzlies will be bat to bat against the Southern Illinois Miners at the Grizzlie Bear Stadium, at 2301 Grizzlies Bear Blvd. in Sauget, Illinois.
And that's not all! You're all invited to join AARP for a tailgate party that starts at 5 p.m. and goes on until the game starts at 7:05 p.m. You'll be treated to refreshments and prizes, compliments of AARP.
To get the 30 percent discount off each Field Box seat, click here and enter the password AARPSTL.
AARP hopes to see you on game night - on July 11 - and at the special tailgate part that it's hosting.
Come on out to join the tailgating fun, relax in your Field Box seat, and watch the Gateway Grizzlies PLAY BALL!