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AARP Nevada State Director Carla Sloan has announced the appointment of Mary Liveratti as state president. A former deputy director of the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services and 24-year veteran of the Nevada Division for Aging and Disability Services, Liveratti brings a wealth of experience working with programs and services for older Nevadans, as well as a lifelong commitment to volunteerism.
“Mary Liveratti is one of Nevada’s most experienced and respected experts on senior services, health policies and services for the disabled,” said Sloan. “Both her vast knowledge and her passion for public service will be incredible assets to AARP Nevada. We are thrilled to have her join us as state president.”
In AARP's top state volunteer post, Liveratti will chair AARP Nevada’s Executive Council, and in partnership with the state director, develop the framework for strategic planning and activities statewide. In this role she serves as a leading advocate for legislation and policies supporting the needs of older Nevadans, in partnership with community organizations, volunteers and AARP staff.
Liveratti’s many accomplishments during her state service include establishing the statewide Home and Community-Based Service (HCBS) waiver program, providing services to help keep seniors in their homes and living independently as long as possible. She also led community partnership efforts to launch the Nevada 2-1-1 telephone service, providing 24 hour access to health and human service information; helped to expand autism services throughout the state, and most recently established dental services under the Senior and Disability Rx program.
Liveratti began her career as a VISTA volunteer with the Clark County Economic Opportunity Board Senior Center and the Nutrition/Meals on Wheels program. A licensed social worker, she has served on many statewide boards including the Nevada Commission on Aging, Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities, Alzheimer’s Association and Nevada Senior Olympics. As coordinator for the Governor’s Strategic Plan for Senior Services Task Force she led the development of a ten-year strategic plan for seniors.
“I’m both honored and excited to have the opportunity to work with AARP and continue my advocacy efforts for older Nevadans,” said Liveratti. “Volunteerism is incredibly important to me – my parents instilled a sense of obligation to serve and give back to the community that has resonated throughout my life. To have the opportunity to work with volunteers – who are so vital to our communities – is a great pleasure.”
Liveratti’s commitment to volunteerism extends to her personal life as well. She continues to serve on the state’s Autism Commission, on both the local and state boards for the League of Women Voters, and as a board member for the Nevada 2-1-1 Partnership. She has been the recipient of many awards, including the Sanford Center on Aging’s “You Make a World of Difference” Award in 2002 and the Governor’s Outstanding Senior Advocate Award in 1997.
A resident of Nevada since 1974, Liveratti enjoys gardening, sewing, reading and playing the mandolin. She has been an AARP member in Nevada for more than 10 years.