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AARP AARP States Advocacy

Looking for Work: Here's What To Do

Recently Kent Sovern, our state director, received a question from a community member; it's a questions we hear often, so we thought his reply would be helpful for everyone.

Q: "Are you doing anything with respect to helping older Iowans find meaningful employment?  I left a 30+ year career and I'm looking to return to the job market...and feel lost most days as to where to turn."

Kent's reply:
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Life Reimagined

The first avenue is to rely on your social & professional networks for advice and counsel as you engage in your work search.  In addition to the traditional public & private sector avenues for job search & placement, we have quite an assortment of work related resources available on the AARP web site
We also have a couple of new initiatives going providing support to the 50+ population finding employment and ‘reinventing’ themselves.
One initiative is called the Life Reimagined community . This dynamic community is home to many people just like you—all supporting each other in the quest for more meaningful work, richer relationships and better lives. So while the journey is yours, you won’t have to go it alone. Here you’ll be introduced to trusted mentors, powerful tools and valuable resources that will make your experience even more enjoyable and rewarding. And we invite you to share your ideas and suggestions. Your insights will help us to enhance the experience for the growing community. Enjoy the journey – Life Reimagined starts here
A second initiative is call Work-reimagined A  project of AARP powered by LinkedIn, Work Reimagined connects you to the contacts, information, and inspiration you need to succeed in today’s ever-changing workplace. Work Reimagined leverages social media on behalf of your search, gives you advice on the best way to target and approach companies, and connects you to employers and peers who respect your depth of experience.
Finally, for those who wish to start their own business, we have partnered with the US Small Business Administration, SCORE and other local partners to link business needs with expertise in the community you may feel free to contact me for more information about the ‘Encore Entrepreneur’ effort with SBA.

I hope this is helpful –
Kindest Regards,

About AARP States
AARP is active in all 50 states and Washington, DC, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Connect with AARP in your state.