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AARP Maine Social Security News and Information

social security

As a strong, nonpartisan advocate for social change at the local, state and national levels, AARP Advocacy fights for issues that matter to the more than 100 million Americans over age 50, their families, and society, including leading efforts to strengthen and protect Social Security. In Maine, more than 360,000 individuals benefit from this remarkable program.

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Latest Maine Social Security News and Information
Jessica Linzer Simpson, 72, of Cape Elizabeth, spent her career helping people access their Social Security benefits, first as a claims representative and later as an adjudicator handling complex cases and training new employees.
Hear experts talk about the future of Social Security - Recording now available
July 30 of this year marks the 59th anniversary of President Lyndon B. Johnson sitting next to former President Harry S. Truman and signing Medicare into law. In 1945, President Truman had proposed a national health insurance that did not discriminate regarding beneficiaries, but it would take twenty years for his vision to be realized in the form of Medicare. Today, millions of Americans could not imagine life without it!
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