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Job Alert: Paid, Part-Time Position with AARP Maryland

Jobs in Maryland, AARP
Flickr photo courtesy of user bgottsab

Job opportunity alert! Are you 55+, looking for work and interested in working with AARP Maryland? We're excited to announce a part-time, PAID position offered via ReServe, Inc., which would start immediately! (If you'd like to register and apply now, click here--or read on for more details.)

AARP MD Seeking ReServist for Administrative Professional Position

ReServe Inc. matches continuing professionals 55+ with rewarding part-time service opportunities at nonprofit organizations and public institutions in order to strengthen their communities while earning a modest stipend.

AARP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization, with a membership of more than 37 million, that helps people turn their goals and dreams into real possibilities, strengthens communities and fights for the issues that matter most to families such as healthcare, employment security and retirement planning. We advocate for consumers in the marketplace by selecting products and services of high quality and value to carry the AARP name, as well as help our members obtain discounts on a wide range of products, travel, and services.

The AARP Maryland state office is searching for an experienced administrative professional who will assist with two major projects in the first part of 2014. The candidate must be comfortable working with volunteers, have an understanding of database management, and have exceptional organizational and writing skills and reliable transportation.

1. The ReServist will participate in all activities surrounding the Maryland General Assembly. During the legislative session the AARP Maryland Advocacy Director will seek assistance in the logistics surrounding volunteer organization/management, delegation meetings, lobby days and potentially locating an appropriate individual to provide testimony during hearings. The candidate will provide regular correspondence to the core volunteer advocacy team on upcoming activities and legislative activity. He or she will also assist in tracking bill schedules, identifying legislative proposals that may be of interest to 50+ Marylanders and their families, and be comfortable speaking with legislative staff.

2. The ReServist will assist in our annual “Harvest for the Hungry” Campaign efforts. The candidate will serve as the main point of contact for potentially 100 volunteers who will be staffing Safeway grocery stores during the week of March 1-9th. The volunteers will be provided supplies, scripts, orientation training and scheduling direction from the AARP Maryland staff. It will be the job of the ReServist to maintain correspondence, answer questions and ensure all Safeway staff and AARP Volunteers have the tools and direction they need to carry out the food drive.

To register and apply for this opening, visit the ReServe registration webpage, and then search for AARP Maryland's open position. We hope to hear from you!

About AARP States
AARP is active in all 50 states and Washington, DC, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Connect with AARP in your state.