AARP advocates on policy issues that matter most to Maryland residents age 50 and over and their families. In our state legislative advocacy efforts, we rely on our hundreds of volunteers and more than 800,000 members across Maryland.
Patients in Maryland hospitals spent a median time of 247 minutes in the ER before leaving. AARP will work with a coalition of other groups on legislative steps to address the problem.
If you were at the hospital and unable to speak, how would medical personnel know what kind of treatment you want or whom you want to make decisions for you?
Maryland is easing the tax burden for veterans. A new law, backed by AARP Maryland, allows veterans 55 and older to deduct up to $15,000 in military retirement income from their gross income on state tax returns. The previous deduction was $10,000.
AARP is committed to fighting for the 50+ Marylanders throughout the state and ensuring that their voices are heard. During our time in Annapolis, we attend delegation meetings, which take place every Friday during the legislative session, and chat with lawmakers to make direct contact with delegates and local leaders from every county. We will update this page after every Delegation Friday to provide you with up-to-date information on our advocacy efforts.