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AARP Maryland

Making a difference where you live
AARP advocates on policy issues that matter most to Maryland residents age 50 and over and their families. In our state legislative advocacy efforts, we rely on our hundreds of volunteers and more than 800,000 members across Maryland.
Patients in Maryland hospitals spent a median time of 247 minutes in the ER before leaving. AARP will work with a coalition of other groups on legislative steps to address the problem.
AARP fought for approval and continues to push for more
While in Annapolis during our Delegation Fridays, we have the opportunity to meet many influential people in Maryland's political sphere. That includes reporters and journalists that cover all things happening in our state's capital. To better serve you, the 50+ population of Maryland, we want to continue our efforts of making sure your voices are heard by establishing relationships with the storytellers that by and large have a huge impact on creating and establishing public opinion concerning all things politics.
In honor of Black History Month, we are proud to feature a personal story from our former state pres ident Clarence "Tiger" Davis. Tiger reflects upon his experiences as a black Vietnam veteran reintegrating into a society that did not wholeheartedly welcome him with open arms. However, despite the racism and violence cast on to people that looked like him, he still stood tall for his country. He believed in America and despite the hostility at home, wanted to serve and protect its democracy.
Tuesday, January 29, 2018
Learn How to Avoid Their Scams at AARP’s Free, Two-Part Webinar
The following guest blog was written by Ted Meyerson, AARP Maryland volunteer speaker on advance directives.
The following edition of Veterans Corner is written by Navy Veteran Brian Smith.
Maryland features some world-class museums, theatre, zoos, as well as other cultural and sporting events. We're working with organizations statewide, from Oakland to Ocean City and places in between, to bring terrific offers on exciting cultural events to AARP members and their guests throughout 2019 and beyond!
Looking for a list of events that AARP Maryland is hosting or a part of? Visit our Calendar of Events page.
The Maryland General Assembly reconvenes Jan. 9, and AARP Maryland staff and volunteers are attending events called Delegation Fridays to discuss issues important to Free Staters age 50 and older.
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About AARP Maryland
Contact information and more from your state office. Learn what we are doing to champion social change and help you live your best life.