AARP Eye Center
We want YOU to come to Annapolis with us on Friday afternoons during the Legislative Session. Learn alongside other Marylanders about how you can make a difference. If interested in attending, contact Tammy Bresnahan at, subject line "Delegation Fridays interest."
At the end of November 2017, we asked our AARP Advocates across the state to weigh in on a brief survey that posed the following question: "What do YOU believe that AARP Maryland's top three legislative priorities should be in 2018?"
We received an overwhelming response and now, the results are in! Watch the video message below from new AARP Maryland Volunteer State President Jim Campbell as he reveals the top priorities as ranked by Marylanders like you, and read on for how all of our priorities ranked according to our Advocates.

Total responses to "What statewide legislative issues are important to you in 2018? Please select your top THREE:"
- 79.9%: Advocating for available and affordable health care costs and prescription drugs
- 57.1%: Safeguarding retirement tax relief
- 36.8%: Protecting affordable and reliable utilities, including telecom and broadband
- 26.5%: Providing resources to protect against ID theft & fraud
- 24.7%: Fighting against unfair treatment of older workers
- 24.6%: Ensuring patient rights in hospitals and nursing homes
- 22.0%: Working to prevent elder abuse & exploitation
- 16.7%: Supporting family caregivers
- 11.5%: Access to earned paid sick leave for work
Look for more details on our 2018 legislative priorities here. We need your help to fight for Marylanders 50 and over and their families this year.