AARP Eye Center

AARP Minnesota Director Michele Kimball issued the following statement commending Governor Dayton and the State Legislature for the expansion of Medicaid
“Today Governor Dayton, with the bipartisan support of the State Legislature, is once again cementing Minnesota’s place as the nation’s health care leader. AARP believes strongly that affordable, high quality health care should be available to all Minnesotans. We represent thousands of consumers who have either gone without health care for years because they didn’t qualify for coverage or have lost their health insurance during the economic downturn – they will benefit greatly from this expansion.
“Expansion of Medical Assistance is the most cost-effective approach to providing affordable health care to Minnesota’s low-income population. These individuals can now have access to health screenings and preventative care for chronic conditions so they can be healthy and more productive. It will also reduce the amount of uncompensated care costs which drive up health care premiums for everyone else.”