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AARP AARP States Minnesota Livable Communities

Building Great Places for People of All Ages

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An Age-Friendly Community includes safe, walkable streets; housing and transportation options; access to needed services; and opportunities for residents to participate in community life. In November, more than 500 people attended our virtual conference focused on Building Great Places for People of All Ages. Learn more about Age-Friendly Communities in action and what tools and resources are available to create change where you live. If you were unable to participate you can still access the recordings using these links: 

  • Day One - featuring panels on resiliency during pandemic response and the roles people play in Age-Friendly Communities 
  • Day Two - featuring Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flanagan, an innovation showcase, and a panel on an Age-Friendly Minnesota that explores the progress from the Governor’s Council on Age-Friendly Minnesota and our collective call to action as we build a more equitable and better place to live and age. 

Whether you're a citizen, an elected official, or a local leader, everybody has a role to play in creating more livable, age-friendly communities. Our state is aging, let’s meet the challenge and embrace the opportunity. We hope you will stay engaged and take action where you live! Below are some ways to connect and engage! 

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Livable Communities E-Newsletter
Stay up to date on how Minnesota communities are becoming more livable and more age-friendly, innovative projects, and funding opportunities through this quarterly e-newsletter.

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Livable Communities Library 
From do-it-yourself guides to leading a community walk-audit to how to make your community more age-friendly, access a wealth of resources through the AARP online  Livable Communities Library.

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AARP Livability Index 
How livable is your community? The Livability Index scores neighborhoods and communities across the U.S. for services and amenities.

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Stay Connected with Communities
Spark ideas by connecting online with the AARP Network of Age-Friendly Communities, where people across the nation are building great places for people of all ages. Email us your questions and ideas to

Contact AARP Minnesota
Contact information and more from your state office. Learn what we are doing to champion social change and help you live your best life.