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AARP AARP States Minnesota

Celebrating Minnesotans Over 50 Who Are Making a Difference


AARP Minnesota and Pollen Midwest's 50 Over 50 list celebrates the hope, resilience, and contributions of those over the age of 50 who work tirelessly to make Minnesota better for all of us. The 50 Over 50 list recognizes and celebrates the courageous, compassionate, and selfless acts of service by Minnesotans over the age of 50 who are giving their all as they care for the sick, feed the hungry, counsel the distraught, heal the masses, reimagine their businesses, and give hope to our communities. The honorees are chosen in five categories: nonprofit, arts, business, community and disruption. 

Join us on December 10 at 7 p.m. (CST) for a brief virtual program to celebrate the honorees followed by the premiere of the 50 Over 50 documentary film. Pollen and AARP Minnesota have partnered with Bully Creative Shop to document in this documentary the voices, histories, and perspectives from this year’s honorees as they reflect on this moment in time.


50 Over 50 Virtual Celebration & Film Premiere
Thursday, December 10, 2020
7 p.m. (CST)

Video Production by Bully Creative Shop / Creative Production by Pollen Midwest

50 Over 50 has always been about celebrating hope, resilience, and the contributions of those over the age of 50 who work tirelessly to make Minnesota better for all of us. This year is no different. In fact, their inspiring stories are exactly what we need right now, in the face of a global pandemic and growing calls for systemic change in our state and beyond. 

The list of our 2020 honorees and their stories will be available on December 3 at

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