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AARP AARP States Minnesota Community

Help Choose Minnesota's 50+ Volunteer of the Year

Know an extraordinary volunteer age 50 or older?  Want to help raise money for a worthwhile cause? You can do both by nominating someone for the

AARP Minnesota’s most prestigious volunteer award recognizes individuals who are sharing their experience, talent and skills in ways that significantly enrich the lives of others. Only one individual or couple from Minnesota may be selected each year and AARP will make a $1,000 donation to an eligible nonprofit of the winners choosing.

Nominating a volunteer is easy! If you know someone age 50 or older who embodies the true definition of volunteerism, honor him or her with a nomination today!

Nomination Tips: 

  • Be specific about the nominee's contributions. The selection committee may not know the individual and has only your nomination form on which to base their decision.
  • Give examples of the work performed, when, where and who was served.
  • Please do not include accomplishments from paid work experience.
  • Ask other people to nominate the same person.

The nomination deadline is Saturday, July 1Nominate someone online today!

The winner will receive a $1,000 prize, to be donated to an eligible nonprofit of their choosing!

If you have questions about the eligibility information and award rules, visit our website or call the Minnesota office at 1-866-554-5381

Previous Andrus Award Winners:


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