AARP Eye Center
AARP Minnesota offers presentations and workshops on a wide range of topics, such as fraud and scam

prevention, helpful conversations about caring for sick loved ones, modifying your home to make it comfortable and safe, as well as general information about our mission and organizational initiatives.
Keep AARP in mind when you’re planning programs for community organizations and faith-based groups. Our presentations and workshops provide useful tools and actionable information to help Minnesotan’s 50+ live their best lives. The presentations are typically between 30-60 minutes and can be tailored to meet your needs.
We've created a special request form for requesting presentations on any of the below subjects for your group or organization.
Fight Fraud and Scams with the AARP Fraud Watch Network
Financial crimes including scams, identity theft and consumer fraud are the most frequently attempted

crimes every day in the United States. An estimated $3 billion is lost by older victims of financial fraud and abuse each year – and aren’t reported. Technology has made it easier for criminals to access personal information and financial accounts from anywhere in the world. Criminals know how to “cover their tracks” and most investigations lead quickly to dead ends, meaning the best way to prevent these crimes is for consumers and professionals to understand how they work.
In this session, we will share an inside look at how scammers think, how to safeguard against identity theft and fraud, first-hand accounts from victims, and what to do if you or someone you know has been a victim.
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Staying Sharp – Brain Games
The risk of memory loss and the risk of serious cognitive decline advance with age. However, there are many steps we can take to stay mentally sharp and it takes a holistic approach with exercise, learning, stress management, diet and connecting with others. During this workshop we will discuss the five pillars of brain health and play some challenging brain teasers to get our neurons firing.
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Prepare to Care
One in six Minnesotans is a family caregiver. No matter where you are in the journey of family caregiving – just beginning to anticipate a need, helping to coordinate a big move, or taking care of a family member full-time – having a good framework to guide both you and your loved one will make the process easier. During this session, we will share a framework to help you make plans to care for friends, family members, or loved ones.
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Disrupt Aging
We are all aging every day. The good news is the way we are aging is changing, mostly for the better. Our ability to live longer, healthier, more productive lives is one of humankind’s greatest accomplishments. The bad news is we don’t see it that way – attitudes and stereotypes toward aging haven’t changed. We need to change the conversation about aging in this country and change the future of aging. We can start with an interactive workshop designed to challenge outdated beliefs and spark new solutions for us all as we age.
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Communities for People of All Ages

Citizens across the country are influencing the way their communities are designed for people of all ages through the AARP Network of Age Friendly Communities. The network is focused on “8 Domains of Livability” including transportation, housing, outdoor spaces, social participation and more. A representative of AARP can work with interested citizens to learn more about how their community can address problems and be an even better place to live for people of all ages.
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Why Medicare Matters
Medicare provides 57 million Americans access to afford health care and poll after poll confirm its popularity. Yet, Congressional leaders are proposing significant changes to the program that would increase costs to seniors and reduce access to quality healthcare. AARP has a long history of fighting for affordable healthcare and against cuts to Medicare. We will help you understand the consequences of proposed changes, including those in the American Health Care Act, and discuss our efforts to mobilize citizens to prevent these harmful cuts – for current and future generations.
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HomeFit – The Lifelong Home

AARP research consistently finds that the vast majority of people age 50 and older want to stay in their homes and communities for as long as possible. The AARP HomeFit Guide was created to help people stay in the homes they love by turning where they live into a "lifelong home," suitable for themselves and anyone in their household. The guide offers solutions that range from simple do-it-yourself fixes to improvements that require skilled expertise but can be well worth the expense.
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AARP Advocacy
AARP works with the state and federal government to ensure policies address the needs of people age 50-plus. Citizen volunteers engage in educational forums to learn about the issues and take a variety of measures to influence opinions of our leaders and the public. The issues are ever-changing but tend to center on financial security, access to health care and the needs of family caregivers.
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Get to know AARP Minnesota
AARP Minnesota’s mission is to enhance the quality of life for all as we age. From International Falls to Rochester AARP Minnesota helps the people we serve and live their best lives through our initiatives and volunteer opportunities. We’ll discuss how to get involved with AARP and enjoy all of the benefits AARP membership has to offer. We’ll highlight our current programs, advocacy, and the role of our volunteers and staff who play a vital role in our work.
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