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AARP AARP States Minnesota Community

Who Will You Nominate for 50 Over 50?

50 Over 50

AARP Minnesota and Pollen are looking for the next group of community builders, public officials, educators, nonprofit leaders, healers, small business owners, artists, and disruptors age 50 and up to join its esteemed list of 50 Over 50 honorees. Nominations for the 2022 50 Over 50 list are open through April 30. 

We want to recognize and celebrate people from across Minnesota who build community, strengthen and grow our nonprofit sector, create a thriving culture, steward our economic resources and talent, and infuse the energy of innovation into all that can improve our lives.

Do you know someone over 50 who is improving your community or enhancing the lives of others? We accept nominations for the 50 Over 50 list in one of the following five categories:

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Sound like someone you know? Sing their praises and nominate them for the 50 Over 50 list today at

Nominations will be open through April 30!

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Contact information and more from your state office. Learn what we are doing to champion social change and help you live your best life.