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AARP Nebraska

News that matters for Nebraskans over 50
On March 11, Governor Jim Pillen signed Nebraska Legislative Bill 609, the Controllable Electronic Record Fraud Prevention Act, into law. Introduced by State Senator Eliot Bostar and endorsed by AARP Nebraska, the bill successfully passed its final reading on March 6.
Support is finally on the way for Nebraska’s 179,000 family caregivers with the newly passed Caregiver Tax Credit starting in the 2025 tax year. Find out if you may qualify with our short questionnaire.
Stay alert, Nebraska! Here are the latest scams to watch out for.
Hear about AARP initiatives by stopping by the AARP Nebraska table during "Alton Brown Live: Last Bite" at the Lied Center for Performing Arts in Lincoln on April 15, 2025.
Don't miss these upcoming AARP Nebraska events near you!
Learn about resources to help you use technology and stay connected in today's digital world.
Get helpful information for you and your family to stay safe and prepared in the event of a disaster.
Discover free and fun fitness in Lincoln
A free online series featuring the latest tech tips and tools to help you thrive in the digital world.
Learn about age-friendly Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs)
The Nebraska Legislature this year passed legislation eliminating state income tax on Social Security, beginning with the 2025 tax year. The measure speeds up the timeline from the previous end date of 2030.
Quick action grants fund innovative projects to boost livability
Grant opens door to more funding to improve high-speed internet access
June 15 is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
After six years of dedicated service, David Holmquist, 75, of Omaha, is stepping down as AARP Nebraska’s volunteer state president. Holmquist has built integral relationships with elected officials, community partners and volunteers on behalf of the state’s nearly 200,000 AARP members.
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About AARP Nebraska
Contact information and more from your state office. Learn what we are doing to champion social change and help you live your best life.