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AARP Nebraska

News that matters for Nebraskans over 50
On March 11, Governor Jim Pillen signed Nebraska Legislative Bill 609, the Controllable Electronic Record Fraud Prevention Act, into law. Introduced by State Senator Eliot Bostar and endorsed by AARP Nebraska, the bill successfully passed its final reading on March 6.
Support is finally on the way for Nebraska’s 179,000 family caregivers with the newly passed Caregiver Tax Credit starting in the 2025 tax year. Find out if you may qualify with our short questionnaire.
Stay alert, Nebraska! Here are the latest scams to watch out for.
Hear about AARP initiatives by stopping by the AARP Nebraska table during "Alton Brown Live: Last Bite" at the Lied Center for Performing Arts in Lincoln on April 15, 2025.
Don't miss these upcoming AARP Nebraska events near you!
An AARP survey shows that older Nebraskans overwhelmingly support policies to assist family caregivers.
June is Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month. We invite you to attend any or all of the following virtual events at NO COST.
Featuring experts from UNMC's Mind and Brain Health Labs
Winner will receive $2,500 to donate to charity of their choice
Featuring YouTube, Cloud Storage and Mindfulness Apps
Scammers follow the headlines
Findings support need for paid leave, job protection for caregivers and more funding for respite care
New program to help eligible Nebraska residents get essential high-speed internet
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Contact information and more from your state office. Learn what we are doing to champion social change and help you live your best life.