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AARP New Hampshire

Stay up-to-date with newsworthy information for Granite Staters 50+
New Hampshire is home to more than 168,000 caregivers. No matter where you are in your caregiving journey, AARP has resources to help here.
We’re at war with scammers who steal billions of dollars from unsuspecting consumers every year. These Grinches are everywhere! The impact on victims and their families can be financially and emotionally devastating, especially for older Americans.
Find free online and in-person local events designed with you in mind. Discover fun exercise classes, healthy cooking demos, helpful workshops, and more.
AARP New Hampshire is pleased to recognize Iris Altilio, of Pembroke, as the 2024 recipient of the Andrus Award for Community Service which honors Granite Staters 50-plus who are sharing their experience, talent, and skills to enrich the lives of their community members.
Dealing with Artificial Intelligence (AI) — especially involving scams — is a huge challenge for all of us. While I have been fascinated by AI, it is the ongoing changing algorithms that are hard to follow.
New AARP Report Highlights Steady Increase in Consumer Fraud Year-Over-Year
Monique’s journey as a caregiver for her mother, Miette, involved tough choices and a relentless commitment to her well-being. As a retired nurse and a RN care manager, Monique brought a wealth of knowledge to the role.
In early May, Susan noticed some unusual small charges from “Apple” on her Capital One credit card. Concerned, she called the number on the back of her card to dispute these charges, confident this was the best and safest step to protect her account. However, this call led her directly into the hands of scammers, who were somehow able to intercept what she believed was a trusted customer service line.
With the holidays upon us, online shopping ramps up and so do the tactics scammers use to steal your hard-earned money! Scammers steal billions of dollars from unsuspecting consumers every year. The impact on victims and their families can be financially and emotionally devastating, especially for older Americans.
There’s a holiday spirit in the air and it’s coming straight from your kitchen! Draw your closest friends and relatives in high spirits with some delicious holiday brunch recipes!
Caring for a loved one? Do you need some time to recharge and use your creative side? Caregivers are an important community resource that help their older parents, spouses, and other loved ones age at home—where they want to be!
Breathe in. Breathe out. Relax.
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About AARP New Hampshire
Contact information and more from your state office. Learn what we are doing to champion social change and help you live your best life.