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Stay informed about Social Security, retirement planning, financial security, consumer protection, careers and more.
Explore strategies for claiming Social Security benefits and making Social Security decisions that meet your needs. Join us on March 13 (12-1pm) for this free, virtual seminar to discover commonly asked questions about Social Security benefits and the importance of making informed decisions.
By Christina FitzPatrick, AARP NH State Director
Not sure when to file for Social Security? This is where AARP can help. Social Security doesn’t have a one-size-fits-all solution, but knowing what questions to ask can help you maximize your benefits. Join us for a free virtual seminar on May 7 (6-7 pm) to explore Social Security eligibility requirements, how age, employment and marital status factor in, and helpful tools like the AARP Social Security Resource Center.
By Christina FitzPatrick– AARP NH State Director
The 2024 presidential primary season in New Hampshire is a great time to learn more about Social Security and find out where the candidates stand on protecting the federal program.
It wouldn’t be autumn in the Northeast without a few turns through a corn maze. AARP New Hampshire is taking this experience to a new level with “Cornversations at the Maze.”
More than 1 in 5 Granite Staters — 317,389 people—receive Social Security benefits and 7.4% of beneficiaries receive spousal benefits. Social Security is definitely an important piece of the retirement puzzle for many New Hampshire residents.
Social Security is your money — you earned it through a lifetime of hard work.
Join AARP New Hampshire for a free online presentation—Outsmarting the Scam Artist: The Psychology of Fraud—to be held on Tuesday, April 25, at 6 p.m.
Tax season comes quickly! Filing taxes can be an intimidating process for taxpayers who have no prior experiences with deciphering the intricacies of income documents.
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