AARP Eye Center

Welcome to 30 Days and 30 Ways! Throughout the month of June, we’re surprising you with at least one way each day to connect with us, either in the community or from the comfort of your own home!
Here are the first 10 days of festivities. Check out our blog at the start of each week to learn more!
June 1:
Learn about the amazing history of the Lake Massabesic area at this Audubon indoor slide show.
June 2:
Walk for Your Health offers many walking opportunities and AARP will be at Pine Grove Cemetery today, handing out treats and great information.
June 3:
Hike to Battery Point and find out fun facts about the local flora and fauna. Conditions include level trails and easy walking.
June 4:
Celebrate a volunteer that has impacted your life by nominating them for AARP New Hampshire’s Andrus Award for Community Service!
June 5:
Refresh your driving skills with an AARP Smart Driving Course!
June 6:
Want to take your hobby from a fun pastime to a serious endeavor? Register for our Make Your Hobby a Business Workshop and find out how!
June 7:
It’s the true story of a famed recording session – the greatest jam session in history. Million Dollar Quartet hits the Palace.
June 8:
Deciding when to claim Social Security can have a big impact on your monthly benefit. Register for our Social Security Claiming Strategies workshop and find out how to maximize your benefit.
June 9:
Like AARP New Hampshire on Facebook and find out News You Can Use!
June 10:
Take our handy dandy quiz to find out what the best volunteer opportunities are for you using our Volunteer Wizard!
So join us throughout this jam-packed June, and let us surprise you!