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AARP AARP States New Hampshire Advocacy

AARP Hosts Social Security Summit on December 8

Take a Stand

Social Security needs to be updated for the 21 st century so we can keep the promise for future generations.  If our leaders don’t act, future retirees could lose up to $10,000 a year.  But there won’t be any progress on updating Social Security without presidential leadership.

Several policy solutions have been discussed over the years. What do they mean and what are the implications in people’s lives?

Find out at the December 8 Social Security Summit, sponsored by AARP New Hampshire.  Hear from national thought leaders on both sides of the political aisle as they share their views on the pros and cons of possible policy solutions.  There will be an opportunity to ask questions as well.

Here’s what you’ll learn at the Social Security Summit:

What are the challenges facing Social Security?

What are some of the solutions to those challenges?

What plans do presidential candidates have to address these challenges?

AARP has also invited all the presidential candidates and/or their representatives to discuss their plans for keeping Social Security strong for today and tomorrow. We deserve real ideas and leadership – not 30-second sound bites – on this critical program that is the bedrock of financial security for Americans.

Details follow:

Social Security Summit

Tuesday, December 8
10:00   Registration
10:30   Program with national thought leaders
12:00   Lunch (provided)
12:50+ Candidates/representatives invited to introduce their plans **

New Hampshire Institute of Politics; 100 Saint Anselm Drive; Manchester, NH

Register today at

This event is free but preregistration is required. It’s all part of Take a Stand, AARP’s election accountability campaign which asks Presidential candidates to lay out their plans to make Social Security sound for the next 75 years.  All plans put forward by the candidates will be posted on the Take a Stand website and voters are encouraged to visit the site to see where their candidates stand.

Join AARP New Hampshire on December 8 and find out more about Social Security policy options and plans!

** Presidential candidates or their representatives currently confirmed for in-person or prerecorded messages on Social Security:

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