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AARP AARP States New Hampshire Advocacy

AARP NH and Senator Hassan Speak Out About Need for Lower Prescription Drug Prices


Four Million Americans, Including 26,589 Granite Staters Signed AARP Petition Calling on Congress to Act

Today AARP New Hampshire State Director Todd Fahey joined Senator Hassan for a virtual press conference highlighting the need for Congress to lower prescription drug process.

Watch the press conference here.

During the event, AARP New Hampshire delivered a petition signed by 26,589 Granite Staters calling for Congress to act now and stop unfair drug prices.

“Americans are fed up with paying three times what people in other countries pay for the same drugs. More than four million people across the country, including 26,589 here in New Hampshire, are joining AARP to demand lower prices for prescription drugs.” said Fahey. “There will never be a better time to lower drug prices than the historic opportunity in front of Congress. Now it’s time to get it done!

Lowering prescription drug prices has widespread support among voters, regardless of their party affiliation. An AARP survey of voters found that strong majorities of voters want Congress to act on the issue, with 70% saying it is very important. The survey also found that 87% of voters support allowing Medicare to negotiate prescription drug prices.

“An issue I hear about constantly from Granite Staters of all ages, but also AARP and seniors, is the urgent need to lower the skyrocketing costs of prescription drugs. Affording life-saving medications is getting harder and harder – forcing seniors and families to make truly agonizing decisions,” Senator Hassan said. “Making matters worse is the fact that while millions of Americans struggle to afford their medications, the pharmaceutical industry is padding its pockets by raising prescription drug prices to some of the highest levels in the world. This system is deeply unfair and it needs to be addressed – I am committed to continuing the work I’ve been doing to take on Big Pharma and really get change.”

AARP has called for fair drug prices for years and supports legislation that passed the House in November, which would allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices, put a cap on out-of-pocket costs that older adults pay for their prescription drugs and impose penalties on drug companies that raise prices faster than the rate of inflation.

More information about AARP’s Fair Drug Prices campaign can be found at

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