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SB450 received bipartisan legislative support and allows for greater transparency in Rx drug pricing for Granite Staters
CONCORD, N.H. -- Governor Sununu recently signed Senate Bill 450 into law following months of intense advocacy efforts by AARP New Hampshire members, volunteers, partners and staff and bi-partisan legislative support to address the high cost of prescription drugs.
SB450 optimizes the operations of the NH Prescription Drug Affordability Board (PDAB) and helps the board to carry out its important work of with collecting data and annually reporting its recommendations, including prescription drug spending targets, strategies for optimization of affordability of prescription drugs, the progress of implementing those recommendations, and the annual net spending by public payers on prescription pharmaceutical drugs.
“I was proud to support the creation of the Prescription Drug Affordability Board in 2020 to help ensure greater transparency in prescription pricing here in the Granite State,” said Governor Chris Sununu. “With costs on the rise across the country, this law takes important steps to enhance the Board and ensure even greater accountability – all in an effort to lower prescription costs for Granite Staters.”
The Governor’s signature on PDAB legislation is receiving bi-partisan support from New Hampshire elected officials.
“We thank Governor Sununu for signing this important piece of legislation which enables the Prescription Drug Affordability Board to continue its important work reigning in the most rapidly increasing healthcare costs our citizen's face,” said Representative and Board member William Marsh and Representative and Board Chair Gary Merchant.
“As a member of the Board, I was happy to sponsor this bill in the legislature, and I am grateful for the support of my colleagues in its passage,” said Senator Tom Sherman. We deeply appreciate the Governor's signature on the bill that created the Board and on SB450.”
“I would like to thank AARP for their support of this legislation which passed the Senate unanimously,” said Senate Majority Leader Jeb Bradley. “I look forward to the Prescription Drug Affordability Board continuing its important work to help NH residents access their needed prescriptions.”
AARP New Hampshire echoes this sentiment and acknowledges the work done on both side of the aisle with the needs and will of Granite Staters in mind.
“It is quite an accomplishment to see everyone coming together to do what is right for people of all ages across the State, said AARP NH Associate State Director of Advocacy Jennifer Delaney. “Lower prescription drug prices are a concern shared by 85% of Granite Staters over the age of 45. This was truly a bi-partisan effort to bring greater transparency to drug pricing and make prescription drugs more affordable.”
AARP New Hampshire proudly supported the creation of the Prescription Drug Affordability Board in 2020 to help rein in out-of-control drug prices in the Granite State. The Board, comprised of experts in the field, recommends ways for the state to address high prescription drug prices.
AARP New Hampshire partnered with National Alliance for Mental Illness New Hampshire, New Futures and the New Hampshire Medical Society on advocacy efforts related to SB450.
“No Granite Stater should have to choose between lifesaving medication, heating their home or putting food on the table,” added Delaney. “Unfortunately, because of the astronomical increase in drug prices, many are forced to do just that. Today, New Hampshire notched a big win toward fair drug prices.”