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AARP AARP States New Hampshire Advocacy

AARP NH Applauds NH Representatives’ Support of Prescription Drug Affordability Board


SB450 allows for greater transparency in Rx drug pricing for Granite Staters

On May 4, 2022, following months of intense advocacy efforts by AARP members, volunteers, partners and staff, NH Representative passed SB450 in support of the NH Prescription Drug Affordability Board by a vote of 173 to 161. AARP NH applauds NH Representative for coming together in a bi-partisan effort to respond to constituent concerns and serve all Granite Staters.

“Lower prescription drug prices are a concern shared by 85% of Granite Staters over the age of 45. This was truly a bi-partisan effort to bring greater transparency to drug pricing and make prescription drugs more affordable. AARP NH’s volunteer Capitol City Task Force members were instrumental in this effort through outreach to their representatives and letter writing,” said AARP NH Associate State Director of Advocacy Jennifer Delaney. “We are also grateful to Representatives Brodie Deshaies (R) Wolfeboro, James Allard (R) of Pittsfield, and Jeff Goley (D) Manchester for their extraordinary leadership on the House floor in passing SB450.”

AARP New Hampshire proudly supported the creation of the Prescription Drug Affordability Board in 2020 to help rein in out-of-control drug prices in the Granite State. The Board, comprised of experts in the field, recommends ways for the state to address high prescription drug prices.

SB450 optimized the operations of the board and helps the board to carry out its important work of with collecting data and annually reporting its recommendations, including prescription drug spending targets, strategies for optimization of affordability of prescription drugs, the progress of implementing those recommendations, and the annual net spending by public payers on prescription pharmaceutical drugs.

SB450 passed the Senate with a unanimous voice vote in April 2022 with bi-partisan leadership from Senators Tom Sherman (D) Rye and Jeb Bradley (R) Wolfeboro.

“We look forward to Governor Sununu signing Senate Bill 450 into law,” said Delaney. “As the Governor explained when he signed the PDAB into law in 2020 ‘many of the challenges in health care can start to be addressed through greater transparency in pricing. That transparency brings scrutiny and accountability as to why the cost of a particular drug is high or higher than similar drugs.’”

AARP NH is fortunate to partner with National Alliance for Mental Illness New Hampshire, New Futures and the New Hampshire Medical Socitety on advocacy efforts related to SB450.

“No Granite Stater should have to choose between lifesaving medication, heating their home or putting food on the table,” added Delaney. “Unfortunately, because of the astronomical increase in drug prices, many are forced to do just that. Today, New Hampshire notched a big win toward fair drug prices.”

For more information about AARP's efforts to fight for Fair Rx Prices Now, please click here.

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