AARP Eye Center

Bridging the digital divide for people aged 50 and older can be a game-changer.
Imagine how much easier life could be with access to online services—whether it's managing health appointments, staying in touch with family and friends, or even picking up new hobbies and skills.
For many, learning to use digital tools can open up a whole new world of opportunities, from finding part-time work to joining online communities that share their interests. Plus, it helps combat feelings of isolation by keeping them connected and engaged with the world around them. It's all about making sure everyone, regardless of age, can enjoy the benefits of our digital age.
AARP New Hampshire is focused on helping older Granite Staters to have meaningful access to high-speed internet. That access does not only mean that high-speed internet is available, but also that people can afford it, have devices, and know how to use those devices. They also need to know how to keep themselves safe online.
To that end, in 2024 AARP NH sponsored the initiatives of five organizations throughout the state to help bridge the digital divide.
Dover Adult Learning Center
Kicking off in January 2025, this series of three-weekly classes for older Granite Staters will focus on the basics of tech through hands-on learning. Topics covered will include computer and phone usage, internet basics, and online safety regarding scams and viruses. Michelle Lebs, Digital Literacy Teacher and Technology Integrater, will lead the classes. Class price would normally be $125 per person but the funding from AARP will enable folks to attend for free. The classes will be presented at a pace tailored to the specific needs of attendees and will emphasize bridging the digital divice and making social connections with friends and family. For more information, contact Michelle Lebs at:
Grafton County Senior Citizens Council - Plymouth Regional Senior Center
Due to the funding from AARP, a computer lab will return to the Plymouth Regional Senior Center in early 2025. The lab features two new computers with large monitors and will be availble for folks coming to center. They will be a great way for people to stay connected to the ever-growing online world. For more information about using the new computers, please call 603-536-1204.
Keene Public Library
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the new buzz phrase but do you really know what it's all about? With funding from AARP NH, the Keene Public Library will hold a four-part series of online classes called The Future is Now: AI for Older Adults. These classes, taught by tech expert and Director of the Holderness Free Library Adam DiFillippe, will focus on AI in everyday life, AI and Online Safety, Hands-On with AI Tools, and What to Expect and How to Prepare for the Future of AI. This class is not just for older adults, it is for anyone who is interested in learning more about AI. This class is also great for caregivers of older adults. Join via ZOOM from home or head to the Keene Publice Library for a group viewing session. Classes are 6-7 pm on Feburary 4, 11, 18, and 25. Registration is required at:
United Way of Greater Nashua
During COVID, part of this United Way's work pivoted to ensuring people had access to devices and understood how to use them. That work continues today and the funding from AARP is helping to expand it several different ways by supporting initiatives created by Director of Volunteer and Community Engagement Sara Ceasar. These projects include:
- Digital Navigators: These tech-savvy volunteers will be stationed once a week at four different sites in the Greater Nashua area starting in January 2025. Residents will be able to drop in or make appointments to get free assistance with their tech needs.
- The United Way is also promoting tech classes offered at the Nashua Public Library. These classes are a great opportunity for people working with the Digital Navigators to expand their learning.
- Plans are underway for a digital summit for local non-profits in March 2025. The goal of the summit is to assess digital needs in the community.
For more information about these initiatives, please contact Sara Ceasar at
Welcoming NH
With transportion being the leading obstacle for older people who are part of the state's immigrant population, AARP funding will provide 50-100 rides to in-person tech skills or cybersecurity trainings/classes with a ride share program. Transportation vouchers will be issued to older people wishing to attend training (such as the classes mentioned above at the Dover Adult Learning Center). For more imformation, please contact Welcoming NH Manager David Holt at
Moving forward, AARP NH has the ability to offer $1,500 sponsorships to several more organizations in 2025. Projects should focus on improving access to devices, training and assistance to help people learn how to use devices, or other related efforts.
If your organization is interested in applying for funding for a project that can be completed by the end of 2025, please submit a very brief proposal describing the project by April 30, 2025 to AARP NH State Director Christina FitzPatrick at
For resources, classes, advice and more from the AARP Personal Tech Center, please visit here: