AARP Eye Center

New frauds and scams seem to crop up weekly. Identity theft and other scams rob millions of Americans of their hard-earned money. Last year alone, Americans lost $18 billion dollars to fraud and scams. In fact, every two seconds, a con artist steals someone’s identity.
What tricks do con artists use to steal your money? How can you outsmart scammers before they strike and beat them at their game?
Request a top frauds and scams presentation from AARP New Hampshire. We have a volunteer corps of fraud fighters – in most regions of the state – dedicated to educating Granite Staters on the three Rs of fraud: recognize, resist and report. And we are offering to bring this one-hour program to your community, free of charge.
The frauds and scams educational session is appropriate for any age group, but we find it resonates best with an older audience. Here’s what’s covered:
- Fraud trends and behavior – Understand how much fraud is out there and the behaviors that put you at risk.
- The con artist’s playbook – Uncover the tricks used by con artists to defraud.
- Prevention – Know and practice the most effective prevention strategies to avoid becoming a victim.
- Resources – Learn to access and share up-to-date information about fraud identification and prevention and where to go if you or someone you love has been a victim.
We will provide the trained volunteer presenters and handout materials. You bring the audience.
If you are interested in educating members of your community on how NOT to become a victim of frauds and scams, send us an email at