AARP Eye Center
Good Morning, my name is Claira Monier and I am a volunteer with AARP New Hampshire.
AARP strongly supports HB 1696 and the reauthorization of the New Hampshire Health Protection Program. The New Hampshire Health Protection Program is a uniquely New Hampshire solution that is working and provides private health insurance to those who cannot afford it.
AARP is particularly concerned about the health of those aged 45 to 64, who are not yet eligible for Medicare. Without affordable health care, these are people who may get sicker as they age and be more likely to require long-term care services.
According to data from the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services, we know that approximately 1/3 of the participants of the New Hampshire Health Protection Program are 45 or over, with many of them 55 or older. We know that people between the ages of 45 and 64 are deeply concerned about having affordable health care as they age.
This is particularly important to older workers who take longer to find new jobs and can’t always afford to maintain health insurance between jobs. We also want to ensure that coverage is there for hard-working older adults who are struggling to make ends meet.
The New Hampshire Health Protection Program brings in approximately $400 million of federal funds to New Hampshire, enabling us to help deal with the cost of these uninsured. Without this program, we could not cover these 47,000+ individuals without it costing New Hampshire substantially more money. The New Hampshire Health Protection Program makes a difference in the lives of these 47,000+ participants.
We ask that you pass HB 1696 to continue this cost-effective program that provides health care to New Hampshire families and individuals.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to appear before you today.